Detects any hostile objects using sound. Quickly transmits characteristics.
An autonomous system for passive sound detection of objects (drones, missiles, etc.), measurement of their coordinates, direction and speed of movement, recognition of the type of object and instant notification to the consumer.
It has dimensions of about 0.6X0.6X0.8 m3.
It consumes several W of energy.
Powered by sources with a constant voltage of 6/12 V or
from the 220 V network.
Mechanical work is being completed to improve the system’s mounting, protection from rain, snow and wind, and camouflage.
- The autonomous system for passive sound detection of objects (drones, missiles, etc.) is completely original and patented. There are customers for the system: the border, important security facilities, and air defense.
- Allows you to measure the coordinates of objects, their direction and speed of movement within 1 second.
- Allows you to quickly recognize the type of object.
- Allows you to instantly send notifications to the consumer about online settings
- The system has been tested in the field.
Author of the invention: